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James Lee Primary School

Admissions Process

1). The Head Teacher, based on the criteria drawn up by the Governing Body, implements the Admissions Policy. Please note: due to the limited availability of spaces, an application for a place at the school does not guarantee admission.

2). The Head Teacher makes all decisions regarding school admissions. All such reasons will remain confidential.

3). Applications for admissions to the school will not be accepted before a child’s second birthday. Children are admitted to the school after their third birthday. Subject to the discretion of the Head Teacher.

4). Criteria for admission.

The criteria are applied in order of priority as follows:

  • Children who are placed on the Local Authority Child Protection Register and/or Children in Public Care.
  • Children with a diagnosis of an exceptional educational, social or medical need or identifiable vulnerable children. Documented evidence from a doctor, health visitor, social worker, or other medical professional must be submitted with the application for admission.
  • Siblings of children attending the school or leaving in the term immediately before younger sibling entry.
  • Children who live nearest to the school in terms of walking distance, measured in a direct line based on the child’s home post code and that of the school – according to the distance given at

5). Applications will only be considered once proof of address and the child’s birth certificate are provided.

6). Offers for places will be sent out in April/May for September entry and October/November for children to start in January.

7). If there is a change of address during the period from offer to the child starting school we must be informed in writing. Those moving out of Borough will have their offer withdrawn.

8). We emphasise the commitment to the school and the expectation that your child should remain with us until their admission to their primary school, as directed by the Local Authority.

30 Hour Funding

In September 2017, the Government introduced new funding to allow childcare providers to offer 30 hours free childcare to working parents. All 3 and 4 year old's are already entitled to 15 hours of free childcare a week and this additional 15 free hours will be on offer to families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone-parent family), and each parent earns the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national minimum or living wage, and earns less than £100,000 a year (visit to check your eligibility).

Please note, the main priority of the Nursery staff at all times is the welfare of the child and it may be that extended care is not appropriate for every child or that a period of time is needed in order to transition to the full 30 hours requested.

Please find more information about 30 hour funding and how to apply by clicking on this link
If you think you are eligible and are interested in accessing the extra hours of childcare please contact the School Office.

All nursery children are entitled to free 15 hours (9.15am – 12.15pm).

If you are not eligible for the 30 hours code and you wish to pay for an additional 15 hours childcare (9.15am-3.15pm), please let the front office know. The cost is £24 per day (3 hours @ £8.00 per hour) and is calculated by the amount of days in the terms. Payment is required half a term in advance.

Afternoon tours

Tours take place on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30pm. Please contact reception for any questions you may have and to book your slot on 020 8741 8877 or email: for more information. A James Lee Application Form is available for download by clicking on the document title.