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James Lee Primary School

Head's Welcome

My name is Janice Moore and I am the Head of Schools at James Lee Nursery and Bayonne Nursery and I would like to welcome you to our school and introduce you to our Nursery which is rated Outstanding by Ofsted.  


We are part of the Thames Federation together with Bayonne Nursery and Melcombe Primary School.

Our Nursery is a 60 place (2.6 months -4 years) Local Authority Nursery School.

The staff and Governors work together to provide a safe and stimulating environment for your child. We aim to work with you as parents and carers to support your child in becoming an independent and confident learner.

We believe that children learn by exploring and investigating through their own self-chosen play with skilled support from our experienced practitioners.

Our Nursery is free-flow where children have access to the outdoors at all time. We also organise trips and visits out and for many years we have run a successful Forest School experience on Wimbledon Common. In addition we have ball skills from Fulham Football club and music and dance sessions from Wiggle Waggle.

We will work with all our families to ensure that all children have a happy and productive experience at our school. 

Please use link to see our Vision statement: 3 Mottos Our Vision Statement

Janice Moore

Head of Schools 

James Lee Nursery School & Bayonne Nursery

The Thames Federation